Faculty of Humanities, Law and Economics &
Graduate School of Humanities and Social Sciences

Lecture No.6: "Training for being Ninja" (2nd term)

"Training for being Ninja" (summary)

Lecturer:KAWAKAMI Jin-ichi

It is true in all arts that, what you learn at the introductory level will eventually lead you to the esoteric secret of the art, and Ninjutsu, or the art of Ninja is no exception. If you continuously accumulate the basics of Ninja training, you will eventually reach the innermost secret of it.

Most of Ninja trainings are devised out of the daily lives in each household that had been passed down through generations, and not some mysterious and supernatural magic. What was considered essential was to continuously practice on daily basis starting from their childhood, when they covetously absorb new knowledge without questioning them. The training must be done in accordance with the three steps of Shuhari (respecting, breaking and parting from the tradition), gradually exercising both body and mind without hurrying for success. Though there may be little things that can be utilized in our modern day life today, this training our ancestor had devised out of their own blood and sweat is certainly an effective way to train the mind of patience and forgiveness that is the spirit of harmony. In today's world of scientific development and complex diversity, Ninjutsu from the old times may have little use. However, the state of mind-body unity that Ninjutsu training aims for can still be valuable in our daily activities.