
三重大学での所属学科: 人文学部文化学科

出身国: スウェーデン

出身大学: ルンド大学

留学期間: 2011年 10月 ~ 2012年 3月


今日は!名前はラスムスで、スウェーデン王国からの留学生です!専門は日本語で、スウェーデンのルンド大学で日本語を2年間勉強してから三重大学に留学に来ました。岐阜大学でも留学しました。趣味が色々あります: 読書、卓球、音楽、バレーボール、森を散歩すること、コンピューターゲームをすることなどが趣味です。それに、もちろん友達と一緒に話したり、遊んだりすることが好きです。

Hello! My name is Rasmus, and I am an exchange student from Sweden! My main subject is Japanese, and I have studied Japanese for 2 years in Sweden before coming to Mie University on exchange studies. I have also studied at Gifu University. I have a bunch of different interests: I like reading, table tennis, volleyball, taking walks in the forest and playing computer games. That and of course, spending time together with my friends.




When it comes to learning, Mie University and Lund University are mostly the same. There are a bunch of different subjects you can study (like languages and history), so Mie University is a good place to go to for exchange studies. While I only studied Japanese myself, I heard from my friends among the other exchange students that the other classes that you can take at the faculty are interesting and fun.




 Lund University is a great university! It's not a campus; instead, the different faculties are spread throughout the city of Lund. So when you study in Lund, you have a lot of opportunities to see the city of Lund! It is definitely a good experience to enjoy the city with your friends while you are studying. That, and also, there are a lot of students studying Japanese in Lund, so communication will be no problem!